Transfers Saga; Revisited

Eight teams in the first round of transfers’ speculations and advice were not enough. The market will be open in five days from now, and the shopping carts are ready to checkout. Moratti is losing no time sacking and hiring, and maybe with his new coach comes new blood and a younger generation for the better of the game.


New Blood?

Chelsea FC: An EPL expert, and yes he is an expert and he will be the Ferguson replacement one day, commented on my previous post about changing the whole team saying: “They actually need a new bench, not a whole squad.” For many reasons I agree that this is one core issue that should be addressed at the Stamford Bridge, and this is why I am writing about Chelsea again. The recent games, with the absence of Lampard, Terry, and sometimes Essien, have exposed the vulnerabilities of the Blue Lions. No one managed to rise to the occasion and fill the gap, especially in the midfield. Ramires is not my favorite and he is not even a Deco or a Ballack. Some reinforcement in the middle of the park can put Chelsea back on track. A striker is a must. Edin Džeko is a good option, and Sergio “Kun” Agüero may add a fresh perspective to an aging squad.

FC Bayern Munich: Nowadays, they are fifth in the table and by the end of the season they will be fighting for the title. They were never in crisis, having won the title six times in the past ten seasons. However, the German giants have some real issues, mainly the Louis van Gaal syndrome. I still remember his Barcelona days where after being a winner he turns into a sore dictator. I see attitude issues; Martin Demichelis is loaned out, Daniel van Buyten may leave, and Miroslav Klose is pondering a move. The real hope for a revival is the comeback of Robben and the resurrection of Franck Ribéry. However, the Flying Glassman is injury prone and the latter needs some support, especially from the back four. A new goalkeeper and a new Lúcio can improve the status of the Bundesliga Champions.

S.S. Lazio: Talking about the Biancocelesti this season brings back the good old memories. They are now enjoying a good run in Serie A. Yet, to keep pushing and to hold on to their position, the Roman team should get a couple of defenders (van Buyten is an option) and someone upfront to help scoring more goals, consistently. Nicklas Bendtner may be one option, while a shock move or at least a loan out call, for Emmanuel Adebayor or Roque Santa Cruz may prove priceless. Runor has it Mounir El Hamdaoui is seeking an exit and Klose a way out.

Serie A Champions 99/00

Good Old Days - 1999/2000 Champions (When Nesta was the Captain)

Manchester United: Sir Alex knows that Antonio Valencia will be the real signing once he is back from injury. Before that happens, expected in February, some games have proven the need for some solidarity in the midfield. The glimpses of magic from the old school Scholes and Giggs will never last forever. 24 years serving the “Red Devil” will come to an end. It is time to surge in the new blood. Andy Carroll will happily jump into the frontline if called upon. Micah Richards will be happier switching the city side.

Arsenal: The Gunners are having issues with injuries. Well, it is not a new case with Arsene’s Army, yet they should think of the Champions League encounter with Barcelona. Many million defenders are needed. A new goalkeeper is something they should finally think about, for real this time, while Van Persie’s return will provide a much needed boost. My advice; buy a mature player already, enough with the kindergarten shopping and nurturing. Patrick Vieira will always be happy to offer few good lessons.

Moving on, the New Year will be busy. Some teams already started signing and off-loading. Barcelona sealed Afellay’s move, Leonardo took over the helm at Inter, and Cassano is on his way to Milan. If you have some advice, comments, or even bets, I will be happily listening. The questions will not be answered before the last minute of January 31st.

About figo29

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